A8 Interlaken-Ost – Brienz: Start of the last construction season

 A8 Interlaken-Ost – Brienz
The A8 between Interlaken-Ost and Brienz will be closed at night from March to Mai 2025.

Construction on the A8 between Interlaken-Ost and Brienz was supposed to be finished by the end of 2024. However, the work has suffered delays due to the natural disaster in Brienz on the 12 of August. Night closures and zones with reduction to one lane will therefore still be necessary in 2025. The first night closure takes place in the night of the 3/4 of March. The A8 will then be closed in the nights of Mon/Tue to Fri/Sat, from 8 p.m. to 6 a.m., until the end of May, except during public holidays like Easter or Pentecost. The zone with traffic on one lane just east of the Chüebalm tunnel will be installed during the first night closure and will also stay in place until the end of May.

Regular night closures

The A8 is closed during the week as follows:

  • March to Mai: in the nights Mon/Tue to Fri/Sat from 8 p.m to 6 a.m.

Traffic between Interlaken and Brienz will be diverted onto the cantonal road on the right-hand side of the lake. The communal road will be available for traffic between Interlaken and Iseltwald.